Boratko mural honors St. Paulite, 1951 July 8 / by N. S. Drizari.


Boratko mural honors St. Paulite, 1951 July 8 / by N. S. Drizari.

A photocopy of a newspaper article that appeared in the St. Paul Pioneer Press (Minn.) about a Richmond, California mural done by California artist Andre Boratko and dedicated to his St. Paul benefactor, Alice Livingston MacGregor. Boratko, a Czechoslovakian immigrant, studied and worked in St. Paul until the late 1930s.

1 item.


SNAC Resource ID: 6779490

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Boratko, Andre, 1912-. (person)

MacGregor, Alice Livingston, d.1936. (person)

Drizari, N. S. (person)